Our hearts go out to all of those who have suffered and are suffering in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. We are proud of the courage and resilience our neighbors and clients continue to show during this trying time, and have faith in our ability to come back even stronger than before.
The Bronx Health Link has provided an incredible resource full of information on post-Sandy recovery in New York and the surrounding area. We are sharing much of it below:
Status of Regional Transportation
alert.mta.info – look for Hurricane Recovery Subway Map
WNYC Transit Tracker
New York Area Service Updates from the New York Times
Brooklyn to Manhattan Shuttle Bus Routes
Live Traffic Map from WNYC
Superstorm Sandy: NYC
Con Ed Outage Map
NYC OEM Severe Weather
Ask NYPL’s NYC Community Information Twitter list
NYT State-by-State guide
Food and Shelter
Lower Manhattan Food and Water Distribution from office of State Senator Squadron
Food Bank for New York City Food Program Locator
Tap water is safe to drink, but if yours is out: Map of Water-on-the-Go Locations
Wet and Dry Ice Distribution
List of NYC Shelters, shelters will remain open until residents can safely return home
disasterassistance.gov 800-621-3362 (FEMA)
Have the following information ready: Address, insurance info, SSN
Mobile site: m.fema.gov
Report property damage to your home or business
Report downed trees online or call 311 / text 311692
NYC.gov Business Recovery Information
Report Price Gouging Surrounding Hurricane Sandy to Public Advocate’s office
Report power outages on ConEd’s website or by calling 1-800-752-6633
Red Cross
Returning Home After a Hurricane or Flood PDF (Spanish)
Repairing Your Flooded Home PDF (Spanish)
More information about disaster recovery, including how to check your home for safety issues and get finances in order for repairs.
Mobile site: redcross.org/mobile
Separated from loved ones? Register/check Red Cross Safe and Well
How To Help
Give and Get NYC has ways to volunteer/donate with specific organizations
Follow Twitter hashtag #sandyvolunteer for suggestions
recovers.org/communities has resource pages for several NYC neighborhoods.
If you have programming or web development skills, join a Sandy CrisisCamp near you to build crisis response tools for the east coast.
Help classify building damage for FEMA at sandy.locative.us
According to FEMA, “the best way to support survivors of Hurricane Sandy is to make a financial contribution to the voluntary organization of your choice.”
Visit Aidmatrix to donate cash, goods and services to specific organizations to assist New Yorkers who suffered damage from Hurricane Sandy.
Con Edison is currently distributing dry and wet ice at these locations:
1) Walgreen’s at 532 Neptune Ave (b/tw West 5th & West 6th) in Brooklyn
2) 1200 Waters Place at the entrance to the Hutchinson Metro Center in The Bronx
3) Union Square East and East 17th Street in Manhattan
4) 121-10 Rockaway Blvd in Queens
5) The entrance to Great Kills Park on Buffalo Street in Staten Island
6) Yonkers Raceway at 810 Yonkers Ave (Westchester).
Healthcare Facilities:
17 chronic care facilities in Zone A have been evacuated, with 4 of those evacuations still under way. Most of these patients were moved to other chronic care facilities, and some were moved to the 7 city shelters for those with special medical needs. These shelters are short-term facilities, and so we are arranging for these patients to be transferred to long-term facilities by this Saturday. All the patients from the 17 evacuated facilities are safe and being cared for. There were no deaths from any of the evacuated facilities.
Bellevue Hospital is currently being evacuated.
Previously New York Downtown, Manhattan VA, NYU Langone, and Coney Island Hospital were evacuated.
We currently have approximately 6,300 people in our 76 evacuation shelters. In the days ahead we will begin consolidating the number of shelters.
Our shelter system will remain open until evacuees can return to their homes or find short-term housing.
All parks and playgrounds are closed today for safety reasons. There is still a serious threat from falling branches. We expect a majority will be open by this weekend. Details on park closures can be found here: nyc.gov/parks
The Department of Sanitation is collecting garbage. They are not collecting recycling. In addition from their normal pickups they are also removing thousands of tons of debris left by the storm.
57th Street Crane:
Engineers have been in the building since yesterday and have determined that the ties from the building to the crane are secure. This will allow them to begin determining next steps and to begin shrinking the frozen zone around the crane. However the street will not be fully reopened until this weekend at the earliest.
Reporting and Handling Conditions:
911 should only be used in case of emergencies. To report other conditions such as fallen trees and sewer backups, please use 311 Online, text 311 at 311-692, or call 311. Fallen trees are incredibly dangerous. Anyone who sees one should report it immediately. No one should try to cut down or move damaged trees themselves. Power outages and live wires should be directly reported to Con Ed (1-800-75-CON-ED) or LIPA (1-800-490-0075). Live wires are also extremely dangerous. No one should touch them or be near them.
Safety Advice:
- Any food – including packaged food – that was touched by flood water should be thrown away. The flood water may contain sewage or other contamination.
- Other items that have been touched by flood water should be cleaned and disinfected. This should be done as soon as possible to prevent mold growth.
- Tap water is safe to drink.
- Do not use generators or grills indoors. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious threat when these devices are used indoors. The should only be used outside and kept away from windows and vents.
- Everyone should have and use battery-operated carbon monoxide alarms. They should test the batteries if possible.
- If someone experiences sleepiness, dizziness, headaches, confusion, weakness or the carbon monoxide alarm sounds, they should immediately seek fresh air and call the poison control center at 212-POISONS (212-764-7667.) They can also call 911, since poisoning is life threatening. Important guides on carbon monoxide poisoning and food safety can be found at http://nyc.gov/health.
More Information From the American Red Cross
Make sure the lights (except one so you’ll know when the power comes back on) and appliances are off to prevent overloaded circuits when power comes back on.
Avoid opening your freezer to see if food is still frozen. Every time you open the door, room-temperature air enters and speeds the thawing process. Most fully loaded freezers will keep food frozen for approximately 36 to 48 hours; half-full freezers will keep food frozen for approximately 24 hours. More tips on safety information at http://www.nyredcross.org
What Do I Do After the Storm?
- Continue to listen to weather forecasts and local news for updates.
- If you evacuated only return home when officials say it is safe.
- Drive only if necessary and avoid flooded roads and bridges.
- Keep away from loose or downed wires and report them immediately.
- Stay out of any building surrounded by water.
- Inspect your home for damage. Take pictures for insurance claims.
- Use flashlights in the dark, NOT candles which can cause fires.
- Avoid drinking or preparing food with tap water until you are sure it is not contaminated.
- Check refrigerated food for spoilage. If in doubt, throw it out.
- Use telephones only for emergency calls
Let Your Family Know You Are Safe!
You can register on the American Red Cross Safe and Well website available through RedCross.org/SafeandWell to let your family and friends know about your welfare.
If you do not have Internet access, call 1-866-GET-INFO to register yourself and your family.
Or, there is a Red Cross hurricane app. which has a feature called “I’m Safe” where people can let family and friends know they are alright through different social media networks. The link is http://www.redcross.org/mobile-apps/hurricane-app
Con Ed Expects to Restore Vast Majority of Customers by Weekend of Nov. 10-11, Underground System to be Restored by End of This Week
Courtesy of The Downtown Alliance
(Nov. 1, 2012) Con Edison said today that based on an assessment of the unprecedented damage caused by Hurricane Sandy, it expects to restore the vast majority of customers who lost power by the weekend of Nov. 10 and 11. The remaining customer restorations could take an additional week or more.
About 900,000 customers served by underground and overhead electrical distribution equipment in New York City and Westchester County lost power due to the superstorm that walloped the area.
Con Edison crews have restored power to about 250,000 customers who were affected by the storm. As of 11 a.m., the company was working to restore power to about 650,000 customers still out of service.
Customers served by underground networks in Mid- to Lower Manhattan who lost power during the storm will have service by this Saturday.
Crews restoring service in those underground areas have pumped massive amounts of water out of the facilities. They must also clean all components of the seawater from the equipment. Equipment must be dried, repaired or replaced, and inspected before it can be safely put back into service.
In areas served by overhead electrical distribution equipment, crews have had to contend with more than 100,000 downed wires, as well as blocked roads and flooding.
But Con Edison is marshalling resources from near and far to conduct the largest customer restoration in its history. The company has commitments from more than 1,600 external contractors and mutual aid workers from as far west as California.
Most of these contractor and mutual aid crews have already arrived and the rest are expected to arrive in the next few days. Crews specialize in tree cutting, repairing overhead lines and underground equipment, as well damage assessments.
Customers should use extreme caution before going into a flooded basement. Know whether there are electrified services or unsanitary conditions and wear high rubber boots. Also, know how deep the water is and probe it with a wooden stick, if necessary, to gauge the depth. Keep children out of flooded basements.
Con Edison has assigned 1,000 site safety workers to monitor areas where there may be hazards.
Customers can report downed power lines, outages, and check service restoration status by computer or mobile device at http://www.conEd.com. They also can call 1-800-75-CONED (1-800-752-6633). When reporting an outage, it is helpful if customers have their Con Edison account number available, if possible, and report whether their neighbors also have lost power. Customers who report outages will be called by Con Edison with their estimated restoration times as they become available.
The company is advising its customers to pay close attention to reports from city and municipal officials. Con Edison is providing updates through the media as the storm restoration continues. Important information will be posted on the company’s website, www.conEd.com.
Con Edison offers the following safety tips:
- Do not go near downed wires. Treat all downed wires as if they are live. Never attempt to move or touch them with any object. Be mindful that downed wires can be hidden from view by tree limbs, leaves or water. Report downed wires to Con Edison and your local police department immediately.
- If a power line falls on your car while you’re in it, stay inside the vehicle and wait for emergency personnel.
- Weather updates and news on power outages can be heard on most local radio and television stations.
Hurricane Sandy Business Recovery Information
NYC Dept. of Small Business Services
New York City, including the Department of Small Business Services (SBS) and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC), is coordinating a set of services to assist small businesses in recovering from Hurricane Sandy. Below is an outline of available programs and relevant contact information.
New York City Business Assistance Programs
For small- to mid-sized businesses that have experienced business interruption An emergency loan for businesses will be available, patterned after similar programs deployed in past emergencies. Loans will be capped at $10,000. Please click this link to contact an NYC Business Solutions Account Manager or call 311 and ask for NYC Business Emergency Loan.
For mid- to large-sized businesses that need to undertake rebuilding
An emergency sales tax letter from New York City Industrial Development Authority (IDA) will be available allowing businesses to avoid payment of New York City and New York State sales taxes on materials purchased for rebuilding. IDA will also waive all fees and, while following State law, look to streamline its normal procedure. This program is expected to offer economic benefits to reconstruction projects costing $500,000 or more. Please contact Shin Mitsugi at smitsugi@nycedc.com for further information on this program.
For any business that is temporarily displaced from its space Short-term “swing” office space at Brooklyn Army Terminal available free of charge for the next 30 days. NYCEDC has approximately 40,000 square feet of warehouse space at the Terminal that can be used for this purpose. Please click this link to contact an NYC Business Solutions Account Manager or call 311 and ask for NYC Business Solutions.
For any business in need of other emergency assistance
The SBS Business Outreach Team and Emergency Response Unit’s Large Scale Response Team will be deployed after the storm to help all impacted small businesses. This team is currently on-call for any storm-related business inquiries and is closely coordinating with the NYC Office of Emergency Management. Please click this link to contact an NYC Business Solutions Account Manager or call 311 and ask for NYC Business Solutions.
Federal Aid Programs for Disaster Recovery
Click here for information from the Federal Small Business Administration on disaster recovery assistance.
Health Dept. Clinics: Important Service Changes Due to Hurricane Sandy
(Nov. 1, 2012) Due to severe weather conditions related to Hurricane Sandy, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will provide clinical services at a limited number of sites on Thursday, November 1, 2012, Friday November 2, 2012 & Saturday November 3, 2012. While we may experience some opening delays, we anticipate operating regular clinic hours from 9:00am to 4:00pm at the following sites. [For list, go tohttp://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/downloads/pdf/ehs/service-sandy.pdf ]
Experiencing traumatic events such as emergencies and disasters can be stressful, even overwhelming. The stress caused by these events can have a negative effect on how you feel, think and act.
The following tips will help you to reduce stress and cope better.
See also the fact sheet:
Tips on Taking Care of Your Family During Stressful and Traumatic Events
Most people exposed to stressful and traumatic events will show some signs of distress – but there is no right or wrong way to react. Everyone experiences stress in their own way.The following are examples of normal reactions to stressful and traumatic events:
Physical Reactions
Exhaustion, headaches, dizziness, chills and sweating chest pains, breathing difficulties, rapid heartbeat, sweating and gastrointestinal problems. Stress can also worsen existing medical conditions.
Spiritual Reactions
Questioning basic beliefs and values, withdrawal from or sudden turn towards spiritual support.
Behavioral Reactions
Not acting “like yourself”; restlessness and argumentativeness; hyperactivity or withdrawal; changes in eating and sleeping habits; crying; emotional outbursts; conflicts at home and at work; smoking; drugs, or alcohol use and abuse.
Cognitive Reactions
Confusion, forgetfulness, difficulties concentrating and making decisions, nightmares and flash backs.
Emotional Reactions
Disbelief, shock, fear, anxiety, anger, agitation, irritability, helplessness, loss of interest in activities, guilt and self-doubt, sadness, and grief, loneliness and isolation. Some people may experience depression.
After experiencing a stressful or traumatic event: Be patient with yourself and those around you. Give everyone time to cope, adapt and heal.
The information in this tip sheet will help you understand what you can do to reduce stress and be better prepared to cope with traumatic events.
Most reactions to stress are transient, and most people will recover with time and support. Stress reactions can appear immediately after the event or may not appear for weeks or even months; memories of previous traumatic experiences may also re-surface. Those directly affected are more likely to have stronger reactions. If the symptoms persist, or if they worsen or interfere with daily functioning, you should consider seeking professional help. If left untreated, these symptoms can affect your health and quality of life for many years.
If you feel overwhelmed or are concerned about yourself or someone else, you can find help by calling 1-800 LIFENET, a free, confidential helpline for New York City residents, available 24/7, with trained staff ready to take your calls.
- Take Care of Your Body Get enough sleep. Eat regular, healthy meals and remain physically active. Avoid drinking alcohol excessively or using drugs or tobacco to help you cope.
- Take Care of Your Emotional Health Do things that help you recharge and feel in control of your life. Set realistic goals for the future. Focus on your strengths and previous accomplishments. Try to remain positive and be patient with yourself. Make time to reflect, meditate or pray. Save time for the activities you enjoy.
- Reach Out – Do not be afraid to express your feelings or to talk about your experiences. You may find that others are experiencing similar things, and you can understand and support each other. Do not hesitate to ask for help if you feel overwhelmed or discouraged. Stay connected to friends and family. Accept support – people do care!
- Reduce Your Stress Try to stick to your daily routine as much as possible.This will give your life structure. Do things you find comforting such as reading, listening to music, exercising. During a disaster, keep yourself informed by obtaining information from reliable resources, but do not become preoccupied with the news. Watching too much media coverage of the event can be upsetting to you and those others around you, including your children. Do not listen to or act upon rumors.
- Manage Your Workload Maintain a healthy balance between work and rest. Take frequent breaks and give your body and mind enough time to rest and recharge. As you try to cope, do not let work take over your life. Remember to make time for your family and friends, as well as your own hobbies and interests.
If you or anyone you know feels overwhelmed – reach out. Help is available!
- 1-800-LifeNet
- 1-800-543-3638 (English)
- 1-877-Ayudese
- 1-877-298-3373 (Spanish)
- 1-877-990-8585 (Chinese)
- 1-212-982-5284 (TTY)Seek help if signs of stress worsen, persist, or interfere with daily functioning.
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